If you are marketing, you need to get organized. Here are some tools we use at Connection Media Company.
Annual Theme Planner
Organic Social Media Planner
Ad Creation Planner
This planner will help you organize your annual marketing themes by month. I was inspired to create this planner by a friend of mine who was also an advertiser. She knew, before we talked about her monthly ads, what she planned to advertise. She used a basic plan like this and it worked amazingly.
There are 12 different types of social media posts that you can use to make you companies social media pages rock. This planner can be used to map out one month worth of posts for your business.
When you are creating any ad, you should know who you are talking to, and why they would do business with you. You can do research to figure out what keywords are best going to apply and what questions people are asking about you or your competitors. Use this planner to create awesome ads!